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2024: PÁLYÁZATI FELHÍVÁS - Ifjúsági tevékenységek támogatására

Pályázhatnak: Kászon község területén ifjúsági tevékenységet folytató, jogi személyiséggel rendelkező egyesületek.

Támogatott tevékenységek:

- tematikus kirándulások szervezése a fiatalok számára;

- cseretáborok szervezése gyermekek és fiatalok számára;

- különböző, fiataloknak szóló tevékenységek a település kulturális, történelmi és néprajzi hagyományokat örző szervezeteivel és intézményeivel partnerségben;

- különböző iskolai versenyek szervezése tanulók és óvodások számára;

- tudományos tevékenységek szervezése;

- saját hozzájárulás támogatása az e területen különböző finanszírozási szervekhez benyújtott projektekhez.

- az iskolások és óvodások támogatása ajándékcsomagokkal a Mikulás-napon.

- a Kászon község testvértelepülésein megvalósuló programokra való kiutazás támogatása.

- óvodáskorú gyermekek támogatása az "Első iskolatáska" programban.

A pályázó infrastruktúrájának fejlesztésével kapcsolatos tevékenységek nem támogathatóak.

A 2024-es évre előirányzott keretösszeg: 3.000 lej.

A pályázatok leadási módozata és határideje:

A pályázatokat 2024. július 1-én 13:00 óráig a Kászonaltízi Polgármesteri Hivatal iktatójában lehet benyújtani, valamint elektronikus formában a e-mail címre.

Alább található a programra vonatkozó tanácshatározat, a program részletes leírása, a pályázati útmutató, pályázati űrlap és minden további hasznos információ:

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Vulcano Clepper
Vulcano Clepper
Dec 19, 2024

Hey there! I recently tried logging into AUD44 Casino in Australia, and I have to say, it was a smooth experience. The login process was quick and easy, and I was able to access my account without any problems. The website has a clean layout, which made it easy to navigate and find my favorite games right away.

Once I was in, I was really impressed with the variety of games on offer. From exciting pokies to table games, there’s a lot to choose from. I had a blast trying out a few new games, and I was lucky enough to score some decent wins. AUD44 Casino also offers some cool promotions and bonuses that gave me more chances to keep playing.…


Han Zerat
Han Zerat
Dec 02, 2024

Bună! Tocmai am descoperit o lume cu totul nouă a gаmblingului înregistrându-mă la și lăsați-mă să vă spun - merită fiecare secundă. Procesul a fost rapid și recompensele presărate imediat! Îmi place că platforma este personalizată pentru jucătorii indieni, făcând depozitele și retragerile la fel de ușor ca și comandarea de chai.


А Харон
А Харон
Nov 15, 2024

Cashwin Casino offers an exhilarating online gaming experience, boasting a wide range of games including slots, table games, and live dealer options to cater to all preferences. With its sleek and intuitive platform, players can easily navigate through game categories and enjoy seamless gameplay. New players are welcomed with enticing bonuses, while regular promotions and a loyalty program ensure continued excitement for returning users. Fully optimized for desktop and mobile devices, Cashwin Casino provides the flexibility to play anytime, anywhere. Secure payment options and a dedicated customer support team make Cashwin Casino a reliable and enjoyable choice for all gaming enthusiasts.


Andrew Mayne
Andrew Mayne
Nov 08, 2024

Este foarte bine că se susțin activitățile care contribuie la dezvoltarea tineretului din comunități! Proiectele care vizează educația și promovarea tradițiilor culturale sunt foarte importante. Dacă doriți să adăugați un pic de distracție în activitățile tineretului, puteți verifica și opțiunile de divertisment de pe Este o platformă care oferă o gamă variată de jocuri pentru toți pasionații, iar jucătorii din România beneficiază de oferte speciale care adaugă un plus de valoare experienței. Este o opțiune excelentă pentru cei care vor să se distreze într-un mediu sigur și plăcut!


Виталий Филипов
Виталий Филипов
Sep 28, 2024

22AUD Casino is an engaging online gaming platform that caters specifically to Australian players, offering a diverse selection of casino games. With an impressive variety of slots, table games, and live dealer options, 22AUD Casino ensures that players have plenty of choices to suit their preferences. The user-friendly interface makes it easy for both new and experienced players to navigate the site and enjoy a seamless gaming experience.

Security and player trust are top priorities at 22AUD Casino. The platform utilizes advanced encryption technology to protect users' personal and financial information, creating a safe environment for online gaming. Additionally, the casino offers enticing bonuses and promotions, enhancing the overall gaming experience. With responsive customer support available 24/7, players can rest…

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